Business Victoria grant
You may be eligible for a grant if your business operates in an industry sector that is Restricted, Heavily Restricted or Closed and for which restrictions are not easing between the First and Second Steps
Businesses in the above sectors must also:
operate a business located within Victoria; and
participate in the Commonwealth Government’s JobKeeper payment scheme and
employ people and be registered for Workcover insurance with WorkSafe Victoria; and
have had an annual payroll of less than $10 million in 2019-20; and
be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST); and
hold an Australian Business Number (ABN); and
be registered with the responsible Federal or State regulator.
Applications close 23 November 2020 or when funds are exhausted
Link to: Business Victoria grant
PR Jennings Pty Ltd – Accountants Mornington - Ph 5975 5183
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