
Articles & Updates

JobKeeper - Businesses With Employees

The ATO has updated their website in relation to JobKeeper for businesses with employees:-
Your business needs to enrol and apply to the ATO for JobKeeper - this is a 2-part process; we can assist you if required.
If you are looking to do it yourself, please follow the steps in the above ATO link.
The above process starts from 20 April. You will need to check whether your employees meet the eligibility requirements Employee eligibility. You need to send all your eligible employees the nomination form JobKeeper employee nomination notice to complete and return to you. This nomination form also has the employee eligibility requirements listed on it. 
You must include all eligible employees for JobKeeper (you cannot choose a subset of eligible employees for JobKeeper).

For you to complete the application, you will need to access the ATO business portal via your  myGovID – if you have yet to set this up, please use this link myGovID ATO

If you don’t want to go through this process yourself, contact us to see how we can assist

Please find a video link from Tax and Super Australia discussing the JobKeeper information from the ATO

Please also note that our business continues to operate in light of the disruptions. We have technology in place to enable us to work remotely as necessary to ensure we have a safe as possible operating environment for our team.

PR Jennings Pty Ltd – Accountants Mornington - Ph 5975 5183 

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is of a general nature only and is not personal financial or investment advice. Also, changes in legislation may occur frequently. We recommend that our formal advice be obtained before acting on the basis of this information. 

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