Are you hiring or firing? Tax tools, forms, and other template letter
The following links may be helpful for employers when dealing with staff, especially when hiring and managing employees once they are on-board. There are also links to template letters below for use when terminating employment.
PAYG withholding tables
- Tax withheld calculator (for employers and other withholding payers)
Regular payments
- Tax tables
including regular payments (weekly, monthy), Higher Education Loan Program, Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS), Medicare levy adjustments.
Other staff-related forms and tables
- FBT exempt work-related items
- FBT car calculator
- Gross up rates for FBT
- FBT: Application to register
- FBT: Notice of non-lodgment
- Tax table for seniors and pensioners
- Tax table for back payments, commissions, bonuses and similar payments
- Tax table for employment termination payments
- Tax table for return to work payments
- Tax table for unused leave payments on termination of employment
- Tax table for payments made under voluntary agreements
- Tax table for working holiday makers
- Special tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry
Superannuation payments
Template letters
Here are some template letters from Fair Work Australia for employers to use when hiring, managing an employee or ending the employment of an employee.
These templates will continue to be updated over time, so while the templates below will be a guide as to what is required, you should check the Fair Work Australia site each time you wish to use them to ensure accuracy.
How to use these templates:
- download the template you want to use and save it to your computer
- fill in the red coloured sections that are also marked in pointy brackets (less-than and more-than symbols)
- delete any information that doesn’t apply to your situation
- delete any blue highlighted instructions
- delete the instructions at the beginning of the template
- proof read the letter and check you’re not missing anything
- check again to make sure no coloured or highlighted sections are left
- insert your logo, business name and contact details at the top of the template
- save and print.
Employing staff
- Job advertisement template (DOCX 4KB) (PDF 292.9KB)
- Job description template (DOCX 3KB) (PDF 216.2KB)
- Telephone screening form (DOCX 2KB) (PDF 295.9KB)
- Reference checking form (DOCX 9KB) (PDF 282.9KB)
- Letter of engagement – casual employee (DOC 75KB) (PDF 7KB)
- Letter of engagement – full-time and part-time employees (DOC 78KB) (PDF 9KB)
- Notice to unsuccessful applicants (DOCX 1KB) (PDF 193.5KB)
- Successful probation letter (DOC 60KB) (PDF 2KB)
- Unsuccessful probation letter (DOC 64KB) (PDF 5KB)
Pay slips and record-keeping
- Pay slip template (DOC 48KB) (PDF 8KB)
- Weekly time and wage records template (DOC 5KB) (PDF 449.1KB)
- Record of employee details (DOC 5KB) (PDF 206.1KB)
- Leave record (DOC 5KB) (PDF 411.7KB)
- Staff meeting records template (DOC 59KB) (PDF 5KB)
Ending employment
- First warning letter (DOCX 9KB) (PDF 212.8KB)
- Final warning letter (DOCX 7KB) (PDF 301.2KB)
- Termination of employment letter (DOCX 6KB) (PDF 371.9KB)
- Termination of employment letter – serious misconduct (DOCX 2KB) (PDF 227.4KB)
- Termination of employment letter – redundancy (DOCX 6KB) (PDF 448.5KB)
PR Jennings Pty Ltd - Accountants Mornington - Ph 5975 5183
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is of a general nature only and is not personal financial or investment advice. Also, changes in legislation may occur frequently. We recommend that our formal advice be obtained before acting on the basis of this information.